Category: WorkPage 3 of 3


EKO 9 Triennial of Art and Environment: Eyes in the Stone Old sanatorium, Tyrševa ulica 19, Maribor 17 May − 28 July 2024 opening: Friday, 17 May 2024,…


Mila Panić is a Bosnian-born artist and stand-up comedian, based in Berlin. Her practice ranges from personalised documentation to highly poetic visual and discursive elements, from drawings to…

We have a wonderful life – installation

We have a wonderful life Mixed media,2014 We have a wonderful life is a multimedia project consisting of a six- channel video installation, photographs and objects. In an…

No pig – no party

No pig – no party installation, iron skewer, electricity, 2015 No pig-no party is a common saying and it is considered as tradition in for celebration in Balkan…


Seascape HD video, 49min Created during Roja Art Lab, Latvia The video is a time laps from recordings of horizon throughout 7 days. Each day I recorded 7…

Südost paket

Südost Paket, 2024 bus tire, perfumes, cigarettes 80 x 20 cm   Südost Paket Ongoing installation, bus tire, objects ‘When people migrate, they seem to be smuggling their…

Burning Field

 Burning Field HD video projection, 106‘ , 2017 The video is recorded in real-time, showing the intentional burning of the field. The work presents the field which…

Strawberry Field

Strawberry Field Installation, 2018 The Strawberry jams were created as an alternative „map“, made from strawberries picked from a recently cleared minefield. The minefields around Brcko, where I…